Having Safety and Efficacy issues with your parenteral candidates?

We can help!

Our client’s nanocomplex technology utilizes a custom blend of natural flavonoids to enable:

  • Entry across the BBB for both small and macromolecules, including full-sized monoclonal antibodies
  • Enhanced efficacy, thanks to the tunable therapeutic benefits associated with this flavonoids
  • Enhanced safety, thanks to the protection of the encapsulated drug by the very stable macromolecular complex

Frankly, we have never seen anything quite like it. 

Custom Formulation Services Available

Our client has a well-defined process for developing novel formulations of existing or novel active ingredients. 

This process can solve many safety or efficacy problems, potentially salvaging programs which are on the edge of suspension.

Alternatively, existing approved drugs can be reformulated to create novel products that are safer and more effective than comparable products…and with novel patents to protect these new formulations.  

Want to learn more?

Contact us at info@lacertabio.com to receive non-confidential access to animal data and ides for how we can solve your existing safety and efficacy problems.