Report on BioTrinity Partnering, April 12-14

Last week, Lacerta Bio attended the annual BioTrinity Partnering and Investment Conference in Newbury, UK. This was our first time at this conference. So how was the conference? A few observations:

1. We had no trouble scheduling and conducting high-quality meetings on behalf of our clients. Our calendars were completely filled on both partnering days.

2. The majority of attendees were from the UK. This presented us with an efficient way to connect with many UK-based companies, especially early-stage companies with innovative technologies and products (and a few old friends as well!).

3. The Exhibit Hall, Receptions, and other events were top notch (although we did consume an inordinate large quantity of quail eggs).

Our only regret was that our schedules did not permit our attendance at the various seminars taking place. Some of the topics looked quite interesting.

All in all, we were quite pleased with the conference. Next year’s edition will be April 24-26, 2012 (at a location to be announced).

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