Summer Blogging

Posts have been light lately, due to vacations, summer hours, etc. However, we’ve remained busy with client work and keeping up with the news. A few recent news items of interest:

What Hollywood can teach us about drug development: Forbes’ Matthew Herper published a terrific article on what’s broken with the pharma product development model. Hat tip to Derek Lowe for his comment-triggering analysis. Of interest:

Bernard Munos, 61, who worked in sales for 30 years at Eli Lilly, has spent the past decade studying pharmaceutical innovation. He thinks he has an answer to what ails Big Pharma: Cut research and development.

Cut R&D? Shouldn’t we be expanding R&D? Nope.

And rather than do the research in-house, companies should close their labs and outsource the work to tiny, nimble startups that can explore bigger, crazier ideas.

More Pain Products, Please: We have previously discussed the unmet needs that still exist for the treatment of pain.  Earlier this week we learned that San Diego-based Zogenix has achieved a positive Phase III result for Zohydro, an extended release version of hydrocodone. Interestingly, Zohydro is a hydrocodone formulation without acetaminophen. Given the recent dosage reductions and concerns surrounding acetaminophen usage, a product like this would be a welcomed addition in pain management.

Pfizer Kent: Will this area ever recover from the loss of Pfizer?

Currently, we are preparing for the first conference of the Fall season, namely, BioPharm America in at the Westin Waterfront Hotel in Boston. We’ll be representing two new clients, plus a few of our ongoing clients. Let us know if you’ll be at the conference or in the area!

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